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How we became what we are

Something like the WALK story

What do you do with your life when you have studied biology and business administration and then also trained as a fashion tailor? Of course, you start your own business with a hand-dyed wool company. That was also easy to combine with my children, who were still young at the time. Because of course I started my first attempts at dyeing wool in the kitchen at home. After that couldn't last long because nobody wanted to wait to eat until the last corner had been meticulously cleaned of any dye residue and the business started to grow, the decision was clear: WALK COLLECTION will be professionalized. With the first employee in 2013, we went to our first knitting fair in Brighton in the same year with a wonderful knitting pattern in our luggage - created in cooperation with Joji Locatelli from Argentina. Today there are five of us, we bring out new colour collections every year and ship our wool from Iceland to New Zealand and from Japan to Hawaii. (Cathrin Walk)

How we think, act, live - everything about our philosophy.


We love wool and the creativity it enables. The fact that our passion is so well received has made us incredibly happy since 2010. With our team we design and dye our yarns in Aschaffenburg am Main and send them to creative people all over the world.


We make no compromises when it comes to animal welfare and fair, social working conditions. That's why we only work with spinners and wholesalers who think the same way as we do.


Inspiration is everywhere and our
senses are always open: the forest in winter, city architecture, neon lights in nightlife, ... we absorb all impressions.
This is how we create colours that are modern and timeless at the same time.


Dying wool by hand is a long and intensive process. But this is the only way we can achieve the color qualities and patterns that we want and that our customers love. We always use the best ingredients and raw material qualities, from extra-fine merino wool to fine fibers from alpaca and co. But this is the only way to make not only the end product a pleasure, but also the knitting itself.


We only have one planet and we want it to remain liveable. Our contribution to this is a conscious use of natural resources such as water, energy and the use of environmentally friendly dyes.

Curious about how our collections are created? Check out our virtual studio tour.